Rules & Regulations - 4. Guidelines for Construction, Installation & Dismantling Works - Securing Guidelines, Marking Materials & Painting Works

Guidelines for Construction and Dismantling of Booths and Exhibits

4.2.2 Securing Guidelines, Marking Materials & Painting Works

(a) No nails or screws shall be driven or holes drilled on the floors, walls, doors, pillars or other parts of the structure of the Halls & Meeting Rooms or any part of the building.

(b) The Centre only allows the use of a residue-resistant singlesided and double-sided preferably cloth-backed tape for securing carpeting and other floor coverings to the concrete flooring. No adhesives are to be used on permanent carpeted floors, stone floors and walls.

(c) Adhesive-backed (stick-on) decals or similar promotional items are not permitted in the Centre. Any costs incurred by the Centre for the removal of these items and repair of any damage caused will be charged to the Licensee.

(d) Erasable chalk is acceptable for marking booth locations on the Halls and Rooms’ floor. An approved tape may be used and no other floor marking may be used. Removal of non-approved floor marking will be charged to the Licensee.

(e) The Licensee will be responsible for the removal of all tapes and residue marks within the Licence Area. Removal and damage incurred resulting from the use of non-recommended tape will be carried out by the Centre and charged to the Licensee.

(f) Major painting of displays and exhibition materials are not permitted in the Centre. However, “touch-up” painting of the displays and exhibition materials is permitted in the Halls provided such work is undertaken during the Move-in Period only and all safety precautions and protective surface
coverings are put in place. These precautions include:

(i) Painting in an area which is properly ventilated
(ii) Use of Non Toxic Paints
(iii) Covering the floor with plastic overlay or drop sheets
(iv) No painting near the Centre’s vertical structures (ie: walls, operable walls)
(v) No washing of paint material within or surrounding the Centre

The Licensee is responsible for any damage to the Centre that is caused as a result of painting and will be liable for the cost of reinstating the damaged area to its original condition.

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